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All photos are by Peter Huender, John Bisci or courtesy of LVMS. Any other photos will be credited to photographer, if no credit appears and you photographer of owner objects to the display of the Photo on our website please contact us, and we will remove it from the site or give the proper credit. |  |


From the desk of Mr. Dan Fitzgerald. The story behind the latest race! July 21, LVMS Bullring. All good things must come to an end and that's what happened to us this weekend. Started off at tech with wheel spacers being deemed illegal, then legal (after messy arguing). Qualified 4th fastest and became a target in the trophy dash. My left rear quarter panel must have had a target on it. The car was slow to start the first feature and just got progressively slower. It felt like I was riding the brakes, so I thought maybe the new rear end gears were taking a dump. On lap 24 while coming out of turn 2 the motor grenaded and the ensuing oil spill sent me right rear first into the fence. I steered the car into the fence to avoid coming back into the racing groove and was hit from behind, then hit again, then just when I thought it was over WHAM. Felt like I was hit by a train and my world began turning upside down. I was on my roof. I was hit at full speed by the 2nd place car as they raced by. At first I was going to wait for the safety crew to get there to help me out but there was fire and it was building. I unbuckled and began trying to get the steering wheel and belts out of the way. As I did this, the rear end oil began pouring out of the breather and was filling up the underside of the roof with hot oil. I was trying to brace myself away from the hot oil by holding onto the roll bars, however the fire was getting closer and I needed to get out. My hands slipped and went right into the hot oil. The gloves were soaked and holding the heat on my hands. The track crew arrived and did their job at getting everything under control. I was taken to my pit by ambulance, however I was ready to at least start someone else's car for the 2nd feature just to score some points. Charlie Wahl graciously offered his, however they had motor problems and were trying to change it. No one else would allow me in their car, so we went to get the dirt car. Once the powers that be found that out, we were told since I didn't qualify that car I couldn't run it either. So we were screwed. The points deal is a loss and the car isn't much better. Lots of evaluation will be done this week as to how we will finish the season. Today I'm really banged up and sore, with burns on my hands and fingers. Nothing lots of tylenol won't help. Email me at , take care, Dan Visit Dan's webpage link is on links page.